Scripts & Files

Sentry-go scripts & files

Welcome to the Scripting Library. Sentry-go can utilise external files & scripts, along with 3rd party command-line tools to provide added & custom logic in a number of areas. For example when ...

  • Responding automatically in order to correct a detected error
  • Alerting one or more System Administrators via a scriptable method
  • Performing a scripted check through the Sentry-go Plus! custom script monitor.

You can create these scripts yourself, or use those provided from a 3rd party. However, if you're not a programmer, or you simply want some help, these scripts can be used either directly, or as the basis for your own logic.

Scripts & Files

The following files are provided "as is". No warranty or guarantee is given as to the suitablilty of any script or file. Some files require parameters to be passed when run, as detailed in the appropriate header. To help customise these files, look for the "TODO" comments within the code.

Information on monitoring   Monitoring

The following files can be used with
Sentry-go custom script monitoring.

More Configuring custom script monitoring

Auto-response files   Automatic response

More Configuring automatic responses

Need further help ?

The above examples show the power and versatility of scripting. However, if you can't find what you're looking for, need further help in customising a script or you want a specific script written, please contact us.

Our development team have years of experience in writing these and can easily turn your requirements into reality.