# ##################################################################### # # Name : Plus-LogAlertToHTTPServer.txt # Author : 3Ds (UK) Limited # Description : This file allows you to send alert details to an HTTP # (web) server, or interface with a 3rd party system # such as an SMS gateway. Simply edit the appropriate # details below and configure Sentry-go Plus! to call this ' HTTP Alert file for the appropriate alert groups. # # Notes : Any place-markers found (e.g. <$$ERROR>) will # automatically be expanded by the Alert Engine at # runtime. # # This file contains keywords which are used to instruct # the Alert Engine what & how to call the target Web # (HTTP) server. # # For more information on these commands as well as the # placemarkers available, please see Help. # # For details of the parameters required, please refer # to the documentation provided by your gateway supplier # or System Administrator. # # ##################################################################### # Define the HTTP connection AE-HTTPServer: http://www.Supplier.com #Define the URL, passing required parameters in the call AE-URL: http://www.Supplier.com/Page.htm?&Text=<$$ERROR>%20on%20server%20<$$SERVER>&Param=Value AE-Port: 80 # Define connection method AE-METHOD: GET # Define any expected results that the server will return AE-SUCCESSTEXT: OK AE-ERRORTEXT: ERR